The world of private education is changing at a rapid pace. Independent schools like Bolles are facing new challenges in keeping pace with emerging technology, recruitment of the best faculty and staff and moving to a more global context in education.
The endowment is a critical piece in the School’s ability to have dynamic sustainability. Dynamic because endowment gifts make an impact immediately, and sustainable because they create a funding stream that remains indefinitely, for generations to come.
Since Bolles does not receive any government support, a choice to remain independent, our school relies solely on tuition and philanthropy. The endowment allows Bolles to intentionally choose what matters for our school community, it is truly a sacred trust. A promise to donors that the principle of their gift is never used, and the interest is directed to the critical needs of the school to ensure sustainability. Your endowment giving makes an impact today and paves the way for the next generation to make the right decisions in their time. All with the legacy of those who walked Bolles Hall before them. Thank you for making All Things Possible at Bolles.