Student-Parent Handbooks
The School reserves the right to interpret the content of these Handbooks, including the rules and regulations governing the academic and non-academic conduct of students. The Handbooks are not contracts, nor are they intended to be so construed. The School reserves the right to modify and/or amend the content of the Handbooks at any time during the year. If you have any questions about the Handbook or any of its policies, please contact your campus Head.
Ponte Vedra Beach Campus
Lower School Ponte Vedra Beach Campus
The Bolles Way
Honor Code
Non-Discriminatory Statement
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS: The Bolles School admits students of any race, color, gender and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally available to students at the School. It does not discriminate in administering educational policies or other school programs. This School is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant students.
- Attendance Policies
- Curriculum
- Dismissal and Daily Schedule
- Extra Help
- Grades
- Homework
- Reports and Conferences
- Student Illness
- Student Information Forms
- Testing
- Books and Materials
Attendance Policies
When your child is unable to come to school or will arrive late, please call the Lower school Office by 9 a.m. at (904) 732-5900. Cooperating with this procedure will save many unnecessary time-consuming calls by the office. Our Health Care Coordinator will call families who have not reported extended absences.
Absences for vacation or travel are strongly discouraged. Should there be such absences, please notify the Head of Lower School and classroom teacher at least one week in advance.
Dismissal and Daily Schedule
Pre-Kindergarten children meet M, T, Th, F from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. Kindergarten - Grade 5 meet M, T, Th, F from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Wednesdays will have a later start at 9 a.m. for all grades.
In order to keep the carline process as safe and efficient as possible, we ask that you please follow these guidelines.
1. Utilize the entrance roadway and circular drive, for a smooth and safe arrival and dismissal for all grade levels. Faculty and staff will assist. Cars should not be parked and left unattended during peak hours in the morning and afternoon. Visitors to the School Office should park in the parking lot.
2. Students should exit from the passenger side of the car. Please rearrange car seats as needed before the start of classes.
3. Children should proceed immediately to their classrooms when dropped off. All children arriving prior to 8 a.m. should join the Extended Day Program in the PreK classroom.
4. Car doors will be opened by teachers on duty. Please do not let students out of the car until a teacher opens the car door.
5. Fire Department regulations require parents to remain with their cars at dismissal time and maintain a single line only.
6. Arrive on time but not early. When cars arrive early, it creates a backup that can sometimes block traffic on A1A. Please do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes before the start of carline.
7. Children participating in the After-School Advantage Program should be picked up on time. Children enrolled in Extended Day will be escorted back to that program.
8. All roadways in the immediate area of the campus are heavily traveled and caution is urged at all times. Children should not be picked up or dropped off in the parking area.
9. Please do not use arrival or dismissal time for parent conferences. Your wait may be lengthy the first week of school; however, we appreciate your patience and cooperation in the safe dismissal and arrival of all children. We highly discourage use of cellphones when driving on campus.
10. If you need to pick up your child early, please notify Kara Mathias (
Extra Help
Tutoring outside the classroom and extra help arrangements should be viewed as a temporary measure designed to address a specific situation, not as a long term substitute for appropriate course placement or responsible student effort. If the services of a tutor are deemed necessary, professional considerations do not allow Bolles faculty to receive extra compensation to tutor students who are currently enrolled in their class, nor should teachers be expected to offer tutoring during the school day. Non-Bolles tutors may not tutor Bolles students on campus without prior permission from the Campus Head. Any approved tutors must complete the appropriate pre-employment requirements through the Human Resources Office.
Of primary importance is close communication among parents, student, teachers and tutors. Students benefit most from extra help if it is consistent with the expectations and standards of their regular courses. It is vital, therefore, that a Bolles teacher be made aware that his or her student is being tutored outside of class.
Achievement grades are given in grades 3-5. Grades 1-5 continue to receive progress marks based on expectation levels. Descriptive statements for each core subject provide a sense of your child’s strengths and areas that could be improved. Descriptive statements for each core subject provide a sense of your child’s strengths and areas that could be improved.
Children in Grades 3-5 are graded on the following scale:
90-100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D), 0-59 (F). Homework or assignments that are turned in late will have the grade lowered at least one letter grade at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
Homework presents an opportunity for the teacher to reinforce or review material covered during the day. Assessments in the form of tests, quizzes, and projects are also part of the homework process. Children should be encouraged to do their homework at a regular time and in a place free of distractions. Please assist your child as needed in organizing his/her time to complete assignments and to prepare for periodic tests, quizzes, and projects.
A daily study period is available for students in Grade 2 – 5 enrolled in the Extended Day Program. It is suggested that parents review completed assignments with their children.
Parents are asked to communicate closely with their child’s classroom teacher anytime assigned homework appears excessive or particularly challenging for their child.
Reports and Conferences
Parent Conferences are held in October and February. Faculty are available to meet throughout the year for additional conferences. Dismissal or arrival time, Open House evenings, and field trips are not appropriate times for an individual conference. Progress Reports for students in PreK through Grade 5 are issued following each trimester.
Student Illness
A student who is ill should be checked out through the main office. Teachers will be informed of students dismissed for illness.
Please note that a student may not return to school less than 24 hours after being sent home for illness.
Student Information Forms
Please make sure to complete all forms through Magnus Health that are requested. A link is provided in the Parent Portal. It is imperative for our records to be as complete as possible on each child. Please include all emergency numbers, as well as cell phone numbers, and remember to notify the Lower School Office immediately if any information changes during the school year.
Group testing of students is designed to assess individual strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate our curriculum and objectives. Students in Grades 3-5 are given the ERB Comprehensive Testing Program 4. These tests are administered in February. The School has limited capability to provide individual intellectual assessments. In cases where the classroom teacher and School principal feel an outside referral for testing is necessary, parents are expected to make arrangements and pay for these services. The School will be more than willing to assist in finding and recommending qualified diagnosticians and will participate in follow-up conferences once the diagnosis is complete.
Books and Materials
Textbooks are provided by the school. School supplies for 2024-25 will be furnished for students in Grades Pre-K through Grade 5 for the upcoming school year. The only items which need to be purchased by parents are the following:
- Art Smock (or oversized t-shirt) labeled with student’s name
- Raincoat labeled with student’s name
- Backpack
- Lunch Box
- headphones
- Bullying and Harassment
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Computer and Systems Usage Policy
- Digital Devices
- Discipline
- Lower School Prescribed Dress Code
- Skates, Skateboards, Hoverboards, Scooters, Etc.
- Visitors and Guests
Bullying and Harassment
Expectations Regarding Mutual Respect and Appropriate Conduct:
Bolles students and teachers are not allowed to tease, bother or embarrass anyone because of differences in looks, color, beliefs, size, abilities, gender or home country. Teasing or embarrassing a student can keep that student from being able to learn and can cause much harm to the student by making him or her afraid of being at school or attending school activities.
Some teasing, with improper language or touching, may be embarrassing to the opposite sex. For example, boys teasing girls or girls teasing boys with improper language or touching is not appropriate. This is called sexual harassment and is not allowed. Adults are not allowed to do this either. Anyone seen acting improperly in these ways should be reported. Report this behavior to a parent, teacher, or someone working in the School office. The Bolles School wants to help stop any behaviors that make a student feel uncomfortable or sad.
Whether we attend Bolles as students, or are employed by the School, there are reasonable expectations governing our conduct designed to help ensure that all in our community are treated with the respect mentioned prominently in our Values Statement, so that each student here is allowed the same opportunity to achieve success without bullying, insult, threat, or harassment. These expectations apply to all forms of conduct and communications, whether physical, verbal, written, or electronic that are consistent with the values set forth above and which go to the very core of this School.
Only those students willing to show respect for their fellow members of our community belong at Bolles. Students who choose to ignore this policy can expect significant consequences, including the possibility of suspension or expulsion from the School for particularly serious or repeated disregard of this critically important principle.
Please remember the Lower School Motto “I promise to show respect for myself and others and to be responsible for my actions, my words, and my work."
Child Abuse Reporting
School teachers and other personnel are mandatory reporters under the Florida child abuse reporting laws. Please understand that we must take our obligations seriously and if we assess that a situation requires it, we will make a report to child abuse authorities of situations that we reasonably suspect constitute abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Depending on the circumstances, we may not be able to communicate with parents about the report until authorized by child abuse authorities to do so. We ask for your understanding as we do our best to protect the children under our care.
Computer and Systems Usage Policy
The Bolles School computer network (including all School computer equipment and Internet access through school equipment, and personal network files of Bolles students, faculty, and staff) is provided for students to conduct research, to learn about computers, to facilitate learning, and to communicate with others. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right, and access entails responsibility on the part of all network users.
The Bolles Schol has an Honor Code and Values Statement in place which apply to all areas of school life, including the use of school and/or personal computers and devices. Both the Honor Code and the Values Statement are displayed prominently on campus and are explained in this book.
The Bolles School policies as regards specific school computer and device usage are as follows:
1. Unauthorized access, alteration, and/or sharing of others' accounts, digital messages, and files is prohibited.
2. A school network account password is considered to be the personal property of the user and may not be used by another. It is also a violation to give your password to another student for any reason without authoritative supervision.
3. Attempting to subvert network security, to impair functionality of the network, or to bypass restrictions set by the administrators is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Altering the system settings, system files, or programs on a school computer or device in any way without the permission of the network administrator.
- Purposely uploading or downloading viruses
- Downloading or uploading programs that can be used as hacking tools
- Tampering with digital equipment or data infrastructure components.
Assisting others in violating these rules is also considered unacceptable behavior.
4. Unlawful use or distribution of information is prohibited. This includes copyright violations such as software piracy as well as plagiarism. The network is a valid academic resource and use thereof is governed by the same rules as library resources. This includes the Internet. All information obtained through the Internet and other computer research tools must be cited when used in a student's work. Information gained from a web site is the same as information found in print resources. Students should see their classroom teacher for help in the proper methods of citing copyright-protected resources.
5. Using the network for commercial purposes or promoting illegal activities is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Uploading, downloading, or sharing of illegal or pornographic material
- Uploading, downloading, or sharing of copyrighted materials such as music, movies, and books
- Duplicating copyrighted materials with the intention to sell
- Sending threatening or harassing digital messages
- Use of profanity and other similar activities.
6. Before downloading files or programs from the Internet to a school computer or device, students should check with the teacher or lab supervisor. Students understand the right to use any electronic or mobile devices (“Device") at The Bolles School is a privilege and that in using my Device(s) I am, at all times, required to strictly abide by School values, policies and conditions.
The Bolles School policies as regards to allowed or required usage of personal electronic or mobile devices will be based on the following:
1. Students understand that their Device(s) is/are intended for academic purposes and that teachers will determine the level of access to and usage of any Device(s) in their classes.
2. Students will use their Device(s) in accordance with The Bolles School Honor Code Value System.
3. Students understand that any unauthorized recording, the unauthorized taking of pictures or the unauthorized taking of videos will not be tolerated and that if found doing so students will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from The Bolles School.
4. Students further understand that the unauthorized distribution or posting of any audio recordings, pictures or videos will not be tolerated and that if found doing so students will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from The Bolles School.
5. Students are solely responsible for protecting and securing their Device(s) including, but not limited to, against theft, damage, loss and all the other unforeseeable misfortunes which could occur.
6. Students are responsible for maintaining their Device(s), including, but not limited to, maintaining device updates, virus protection and a charged battery throughout the academic day.
7. Students realize it is a privilege to use their device(s) on campus and at School-sponsored events. School personnel may confiscate their Device(s) if there is a reason to believe that School policies or regulations have been violated. If a violation has occurred, depending on the gravity of the offense, the device(s) will either be returned to the student or to his/her parent/guardian at the end of the day or at the end of the School-sponsored event.
The previously listed policies exist to promote positive, responsible, and ethical use of technology by students. If a situation arises that is not specifically covered in these policies, a student is expected to apply the Honor Code and the Values Statement. If in doubt, the student should seek the advice of a teacher or advisor.
Digital Devices
Cell phones and smart watches with texting/calling capabilities are not allowed to be worn during the school day. These are a distraction to learning and are not necessary for lower school students to have during school hours. If these are brought to school, students will be asked to keep these devices in backpacks until the end of the school day. If you ever need to get a message to your child during the school day, please call the lower school office.
Discipline at The Bolles School is thought of in terms of academic discipline as well as behavior. Children are expected to interact with one another in a positive, constructive manner so as not to impede the process of learning whether it be a game on the playground, a social studies lesson, or an art or music experience. Self-control, appropriate language, and respect for peers and adults is emphasized and expected. We want parents to reinforce these feelings as well.
Academic discipline is a realization on the child's part that classwork and homework are expected to be completed in a timely and neat manner. Incomplete assignments and failure to prepare properly, lead to the child being under considerable pressure. Parents are asked to encourage academic discipline but not to create unreasonable expectations for their child.
Our lower school faculty is a caring and supportive group of professionals. They have a very keen sense of the individual and varied needs of the children. Discipline problems are dealt with for the most part by teachers with the full support of the lower school principal. We have very few problems because of the great support and interest of our teachers and parents in the children.
Lower School Prescribed Dress Code
Lower school prescribed dress code must be purchased at Bolles' approved uniform provider, Lands' End. (This is considered "regulation". Spirit days at the Lower Campus take place every Friday. If we do not have school on Friday, spirit days are celebrated on Thursday. Students may wear Bolles t-shirts, jeans, non-athletic shorts, and socks of their choice.
Prescribed Dress — Lower School Boys
*TROUSERS: Regulation khaki or navy
*SHORTS: Regulation khaki or navy
*OXFORD SHIRTS: Regulation white or French blue with button down collar, long or short sleeves with Bolles logo
*POLO SHIRTS: Regulation polo shirts with Bolles logo in orange, cobalt, navy and white
TURTLENECKS: Solid cobalt, white or orange turtlenecks
SWEATERS: Solid color cardigan, V-neck, or crew neck sweaters or sweater vest of cobalt blue, white or grey
SWEATSHIRTS: Any Bolles sweatshirt
JACKETS AND COATS: Items of students' own choice: free of logos, words, advertising, etc.
SOCKS: Solid white, navy, black or gray socks
SHOES: As the children are involved in outside play daily, footwear should be a closed toe, supportive tie or buckle rubber soled shoe. Athletic shoes are preferred.
BELTS: Solid navy blue, brown, or khaki. Belts must be worn on all regulation items with belt loops.
Prescribed Dress — Lower School Girls
*SKIRTS/SKORTS: Regulation khaki, navy, cobalt blue or plaid (skirt length should be at or below fingertips)
*SLACKS: Regulation khaki or navy
*SHORTS: Regulation khaki, plaid or navy
*JUMPERS/KNIT DRESS: Regulation cobalt blue, orange or plaid with Bolles logo (skirt length should be at or below fingertips)
*OXFORD SHIRTS: Regulation white or French blue with button down collar, long or short sleeves with Bolles logo
*POLO SHIRTS and DRESS: Regulation polo shirts with Bolles logo in orange, cobalt and white, dresses can be khaki, orange, navy or cobalt blue
*Leggings or tights worn under skirts on cold days must be navy, white or black.
TURTLENECKS: Solid cobalt or white turtlenecks
SWEATERS: Solid color cardigan, V-neck or crew neck sweaters or sweater vests of cobalt blue, grey or white
SWEATSHIRTS: Any Bolles sweatshirt
JACKETS AND COATS: Items of students' own choice: free of logos, words, advertising, etc.
SOCKS: Solid white or navy socks. Solid white or navy tights may be worn on cold days.
SHOES: As the children are involved in outside play daily, footwear should be a closed toe, supportive tie or buckle rubber soled shoe. Athletic shoes are preferred.|
BELTS: Solid navy blue, brown, or khaki. Belts must be worn on all regulation items with belt loops.
The following are inappropriate for all students
1. Dramatic haircuts and hair color
2. Denim (With the exception of Spirit days)
3. Oversized shirts
4. Jackets and coats that are advertising vacation spots, teams and/or products, cartoon characters
5. Sandals, flip-flips, or boots (Boots may be worn when it is 35° or lower for warmth)
6. Hats or baseball caps|
7. Earrings for boys
Skates, Skateboards, Hoverboards, Scooters, Etc.
Skates, skateboards, scooters or other such devices are prohibited on any of the Bolles campuses. This policy is in effect regardless of the time and includes every day of the year, not just school days. Effective January 6, 2016 and until further notice, self-balancing scooters, more popularly known as hoverboards, will not be permitted on any campus or in any Bolles School building. This action is being taken because of recent concerns by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the potential impact these devices may have on campus safety. Hoverboards include self-balancing scooters, battery operated scooters and hands-free segways. A statement from the U.S. CPSC Chairman on the safety of hoverboards may be found here.
Visitors and Guests
All parents, visitors, and guests should report to the Lower School Office during the school day. Please note that all visitors should check-in and receive a campus visitor badge to wear while on campus.
Please do not deliver supplies, lunches, or pick up students for appointments by going directly to the classroom. Due to our Access Control System on all doors, students arriving late to school or forgotten lunches being delivered should be taken directly to the office.
- Car and Bus Transportation
- Class Parties
- Costume Parade
- Extended Day Care
- Field Trips
- General Information
- Guidance Counselors
- Immunizations, Illness and Medications
- Library
- Lost and Found
- Lunch and Snacks
- Student Well-being and Psychological Assessments
Car and Bus Transportation
Class Parties
Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to coordinate when and what to bring for your child’s birthday.
It is against School rules to distribute invitations, bring presents, or bring sleeping bags to school for after-school parties and functions that include only a portion of the class.
Class parties are coordinated by the class parents and classroom teachers. Volunteers and contributions to these parties will be requested when needed.
Costume Parade
Extended Day Care
The Bolles Extended Day Care Program is operated for the convenience of working parents of Bolles students. It provides an extended day that complements and coincides with the philosophy of the Lower School.
The Extended Day Program is closed on all days that school is closed.
Students in Grades 2-5 will have an opportunity to get a head start on their homework at Extended Day.
Pre-Kindergarten students enrolled in the program may bring a well-balanced lunch from home or purchase a lunch and milk, water, or juice. All students will be provided with an afternoon snack.
CLICK HERE for options and rates and to register for extended day.
Field Trips
Field trips are designed to expand the curriculum for our students. Permission slips will be sent home in blue folders and should be signed and returned to school. Transportation for all trips is arranged by the Bolles Director of Transportation and utilizes either School or charter vehicles. Private cars are not to be used to transport children on field trips.
General Information
Guidance Counselors
Students and parents should be aware that our School’s philosophy is that conversations with guidance counselors will not be treated as confidential. The guidance counselor will remind the student of the non-confidential nature of the communication and, in appropriate circumstances, will encourage the student to communicate with the student’s parents or other adults regarding the circumstances disclosed. The guidance counselor may also directly inform the parent and/or administration of sensitive communications to find ways to help the student and/or family. In addition, the guidance counselor may be required to report such communications to law enforcement or child abuse authorities when the nature of the communication reveals the immediate or imminent risk of harm to the student or others, or a violation of the child abuse laws.
Immunizations, Illness and Medications
Prior to the beginning of school, a physical examination must be completed or transferred for each student entering the School. Immunization or a certificate of waiver is required for all students. Immunizations must be kept current, and a Certificate of Immunization, signed by a physician, or an immunization waiver must be kept on file in the School office. You will receive emails from Magnus Health requesting these documents. Please reply through their portal to supply all forms requested. Students may not attend school without an appropriate immunization record.
If a student is not feeling well, he/she should inform the classroom teacher and every effort will be made to contact the parent. Students will be released for medical reasons only with permission from the parent/guardian or from the person designated on the Student Information Form.
Many students must have medication available at school for certain illnesses and conditions. School personnel cannot administer medication, including pain relievers, without explicit written parental/guardian permission. A permission form completed by the parent/guardian is required in the event a student must receive medicine at school. The medicine, in its original container, labeled with the student’s name, name of medicine, dose and time to be given, doctor’s name (if prescribed) and possible side effects, must be given to the nurse together with the signed permission form.
Students who are absent from school for the following reasons require a physician’s statement confirming the student’s ability to return to school and any necessary limitations or restriction:
1. Measles, mumps, chicken pox, ringworm, scarlet fever, strep infection, mononucleosis, hepatitis, pink eye.
2. Absence due to an extended illness or surgery.
3. Students who may not participate in sports or gym classes following an extended illness or surgery.
Parents and student agree, as a condition of continued enrollment, to consent to the release of any of the student’s health related information, including information relating to drug treatment, testing, medical and mental health records, to employees or agents of the school, as determined by the Head of School or his or her designee, to meet the medical or safety needs of the student and the community or the legal responsibilities of the school.
The school will maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security of all health-related information within its care or custody. While it is the obligation of the school to safeguard student medical information, we must also balance matters of privacy and confidentiality with safeguarding the interests and well-being of our students and our community. Thus, parents/guardians and students consent to allow employees and agents of the school, who have a need to know, to receive and/or share medical and/or psychological information necessary to serve the best interests of the student and/or community. In the event of a disclosure required by law, every effort will be made to notify the student and/or parents/guardians in advance.
Resources from other School libraries are available for loan or classroom use. Specific rules and class schedules will be shared with the children by the librarian. Parents are asked to help children keep track of circulating books to avoid charges for loss or damages. Donations to purchase books in honor of a child’s birthday or other special event are welcome.
Lost and Found
Lunch and Snacks
Children in Grades Pre-K-5 should bring a mid-morning snack from home each day. We ask that this be a nutritious item (apple, celery, orange, etc.) and not candy, the latest pre-sweetened breakfast cereal, or soft drinks.
Students in Grades K-5 may bring a lunch from home (we ask that the lunch reflect the same judgment as the child's mid-morning snack) or students may purchase lunch through a declining balance account on On parents can check the menu for each week on the meals tab and also see what your child has charged each day/week. MySchoolBucks will email you when your account is low. Our dining services partner, FLIK, promises healthy food choices for our students. A hot entree (vegetarian option also available), vegetables, fresh fruit, soup, turkey or peanut butter sandwiches are options that are available daily. Daily menus can be found here. Meal pricing can be found here.
Pre-K: If your Pre-K student stays for Extended Day, they may bring a lunch or also select from options in our dining hall.
Parents are not allowed to bring outside lunches to school for students. If you would like to join your child for lunch, there are outside areas to sit with your child. This is a special privilege for parents and their child to eat together one on one. Other students will not be allowed to join.
Student Well-being and Psychological Assessments
The mental and physical well-being and safety of our students is of paramount importance to the School. Therefore, there may be times when concerns might arise about personal, family, or emotional issues that may adversely impact the welfare or safety of a student or those around him or her.
Based upon the observations or recommendations of a member of the Bolles staff, the School may require that a student be evaluated by an independent mental health professional acceptable to the School. Circumstances may call for an evaluation and report before the student sent is permitted to return to school.
- Allergy Management Guidelines
- Class Parents
- Communications
- Community Service
- EPA Notification
- Inspection Policy
- Parent Association
- Parents and Independent Schools
- Parents and the Board of Trustees
- Parents and the Faculty and Administration
- Parent and School Partnership Agreement
- Payment of Tuition and Fees
- Student Records and Information
- School Closings
- Volunteers
Allergy Management Guidelines
The prevalence of severe allergies in the school setting is rising and can be life threatening. Using a multidisciplinary approach to care can minimize the risk of accidental exposure. This team collaboration between parents, physicians and key staff members will help to provide a safer educational environment for students with severe allergies.
Responsibilities of the Parent:
Parents of students with severe allergies are at the center of developing a successful plan that works for their child.
- Empower the student. Educate your child about:
- Their allergens and symptoms of anaphylaxis
- Importance of hand washing before and after eating
- Strategies to avoid allergens (i.e. not sharing food, moving away from people eating the allergen, putting down a barrier at the lunch table etc.)
- How and when to tell an adult that they are having an allergy related problem
- Annual Forms:
- Complete online emergency health information
- Meet with your physician to create an Allergy Action Plan. This needs to be submitted annually before the start of school.
- Medications: (School Day, After School Activities, Athletics)
- Provide emergency medications prescribed by your child's health care provider BEFORE the first day of school. For Athletics, the trainers will need them prior to the first practice. Allergy Action Plan must accompany all emergency medications.
- If your child participates in any after school activities, an additional EpiPen will need to be provided.
- Check expiration of medication before bringing to school and keep up-to-date.
- Medication provided by parents will be carried on field trips and available during the school day. Stock EpiPens DO NOT travel on field trips.
- If the student self carries their EpiPen, the student/parent is responsible for making sure that the student has it for field trips, athletic and after school activities.
- Contact to be made before the start of school:
- Health Care Coordinator: Collaborate with the school nurse to help implement the emergency plan in the school.
- Athletic Trainers: Before first athletic practice.
- During the course of the school year, please communicate any changes in your child's health or medication to the school nurse.
Responsibilities of the Student:
The goal is for the student to be empowered to manage his/her severe allergy based on the developmental level of the student.
- Student will be responsible by:
- Not sharing food.
- Reading posted allergen labels and warning signs, if age appropriate.
- Not eating foods with unknown ingredients or known to contain an allergen.
- Being aware of the allergen exposure risks (cafeteria, buses, playground etc.)
- Washing hands before and after eating.
- Advocating for themselves. Notifying an adult as soon as exposure and/or symptoms occur.
- Notifying an adult of any unkindness related to the allergy.
Class Parents
Class parents are designated by the Bolles Parents’ Association. These parents will assist teachers in grade-level activities during the school year. Some of these activities include class parties, field trips, and assemblies. Parents are also called to assist The Bolles Parent Association with school functions. Every effort is made to provide each parent an opportunity to participate and feel part of the Bolles family.
The Bolles Office of Communications utilizes weekly global emails to communicate news, events and activities of the School. This allows the School to present information to constituents from a single source with consistent timing and frequency. Global emails are distributed on Tuesdays (unless a holiday changes the schedule, or there is an emergency notice), and include important information in regard to our students’ activities and news from the School. We make every effort to market all school events and opportunities via email, including: calls for volunteers to manage the PA Spring Fling; After School Advantage program notices; information on Bolles Camps; and various School fundraisers.
As such, School leaders must insist our constituents not use other means of distribution for messaging, including via Monday folders in the lower schools, fliers and other printed materials. When appropriate, additional marketing of an event or activity is done through mailings, the School website, social media, print ads, news releases and/or the School marquees. In addition, only Bolles events and news is promoted unless it is a community service activity which may be posted to the website. No outside company names are distributed.
If you are not receiving these emails, or have an address or email change, please email Dawn Pickren so we can update our records and ensure the correct email address is in our system. Or check the spam folder in your email files and ensure Bolles is noted as a preferred sender.
Community Service
EPA Notification
As required by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) dated October 30, 1987 (40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E), The Bolles School retained a consultant to perform inspections of our buildings for asbestos-containing building material. Section 763.93 (g)(4) of the AHERA regulations requires us to notify you annually of the availability of our asbestos management plan for your review. The inspection findings and an asbestos management plan are on file, and available for your review, in our operations office.
Section 763.92(b) of the AHERA regulations requires us to perform periodic surveillances of the asbestos material every six months. Asbestos inspectors perform these surveillances and an accredited management planner reviews the results of the surveillances every three years. No significant changes in the asbestos material were noted during the most recent surveillance of our school.
Asbestos presents a health hazard only when fibers become airborne and are inhaled. The mere presence of asbestos material does not present a health hazard. The Bolles School has significantly reduced asbestos material, and where it does exist it is fully encapsulated. The asbestos material meets all AHERA safety standards and we will continue to manage and or remove the material in place, as recommended by the accredited management planner.
Inspection Policy
To ensure a safe campus environment for all students, guests and personnel, The Bolles School has the authority to search and confiscate any item(s) that may pose a danger to others. If a personal search is necessary, it will be performed in a manner that is respectful of the norms of decency and the emotional maturity of the student. The student’s parent will be notified of the search as soon as reasonably possible.
The Head of School and authorized staff members may search a student’s pockets, purse, backpack, gym bag, or other personal property; student lockers, desks, or other School property; or student automobiles. No student may possess any illegal substance, object, or contraband that constitutes a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of any person or persons on School property. Contraband includes any substance or materials prohibited by School policy or state or federal law, including but not limited to controlled substances, drugs, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, guns, knives, weapons, or incendiary devices. All items deemed to be illegal, illicit, disruptive, or a general nuisance to the educational process may be taken by staff. Storage, return, or the destruction of such items shall be at the discretion of the Head of School or the head’s designated agent. The cooperation of all students, parents, personnel and guests will ensure a safe environment for our children.
Parent Association
The Bolles School Parent Association offers parents the opportunity to become involved in the life of the School. Parent volunteers on our four campuses work together to coordinate school-wide events and projects, and also to plan and produce events on individual campuses.
Parent involvement is essential to the continued success and growth of the School, and parents are encouraged to actively participate in the Parent Association. For more information about the Parent Association and opportunities to volunteer, click on Parents in the website header, or call the Parent Association hotline at (904) 256-5045.
Parents and Independent Schools
To be successful, every independent school needs and expects the cooperation of its parents, who must understand and embrace the school’s mission, share its core values, and fully support its curriculum, faculty and staff. When joined by a common set of beliefs and purposes, the independent school and its parents form a powerful team with far-reaching positive effects on children and the entire school community.
Working together, parents and school professionals exert a strong influence on children to become better educated; they also help them to mature by modeling adult working relationships based upon civility, honesty, and respect.
Parents and the Board of Trustees
In most independent schools, decision-making authority at the highest level resides in a volunteer Board of Trustees whose membership often includes current parents. The Board focuses on three areas critical to the success of any independent school: it selects, evaluates, and supports the Head of School, to whom it delegates authority to manage the school; it develops broad institutional policies that guide the head in running the school; and it is accountable for the financial well-being of the school. In the conduct of its official business, the Board acts only as a whole; individual trustees, including the board chair, have no authority to act unless specifically authorized to do so by the Board acting as a whole.
Parents with concerns about the school or with decisions made by the administration or faculty are encouraged to inquire about and follow the School’s review process. Trustees often interact with others within the school community but do not get involved in the daily operation of the school. As a matter of good practice, parents should report concerns to the appropriate teacher or administrator.
Parents and the Faculty and Administration
Parents play an essential and positive role in the life of an independent school. Not only are parents advocates for their children, they also support the faculty and administration through extensive volunteer activities and events.
The relationship between parents and the faculty and administration is formally governed by the School’s written enrollment contract and handbook, in which its procedures are spelled out. When parents choose to enroll their child in an independent school, they agree to subscribe to its mission, follow its rules, and abide by its decisions. Trust and mutual respect are the most essential underpinnings of effective working relationships between parents and school employees.
Inherent in the Bolles Mission Statement is that all members of the community live by the Honor Code and Values Statement: students, faculty, staff, and parents.
Parents best support a school climate of trust and respect by communicating concerns openly and constructively to the teacher or administrator closest to the problem. Efforts by parents to lobby other parents have often proven to be counterproductive.
Parent and School Partnership Agreement
The Bolles School emphasizes high academic achievement, good study skills, and positive character development. We set high standards for each child with whom we work, and then give support to enable him/her to meet these expectations. We expect our students throughout their years here to achieve success in becoming self-motivated and in assuming responsibility for their actions.
At The Bolles School, we value an atmosphere of genuine respect and courtesy.
Parents need to understand that tuition only covers 85% of the School’s operating cost, which means that the School needs to exercise tight fiscal responsibility including running a balanced budget, collecting tuition payments in a timely fashion, and asking for annual and capital donations as well as volunteer efforts.
In partnership, we mutually agree to:
1. Promote The Bolles School mission as an inclusive, diverse community of learners and educators.
2. Treat all members of The Bolles School with respect and civility.
3. Help support a home environment that encourages the development of positive learning attitudes and habits including, among other things, consistent, on-time drop off, regular sleeping routines, and disciplined access to electronic media.
4. Create a culture of mutual respect and high social and academic expectations.
5. Resolve conflicts and questions in the spirit of partnership and objectivity and assume that there are at least two sides to every disagreement.
6. Respect the School’s responsibilities to do what is best for the entire community and for the promulgation of itself as an educational institution.
7. Respect the confidentiality of all aspects of the children’s experience, including grades, assessments, and the experiences of his or her peers.
8. Communicate effectively, efficiently, and truthfully with each other about all aspects of the child’s’ experience.
9. Nurture all children towards an evolving and developmentally appropriate independence.
Payment of Tuition and Fees
The School strives to provide the highest quality education while maintaining affordable fees. We depend on the timely payment of tuition and registration fees to cover our obligations. Enrolling your child requires a financial commitment much like any other major purchase. Please make school tuition a budget priority. Failure to make tuition/fee payments by the contractual dates may result in a child being removed from school or not being allowed to take examinations. Transcripts and student records cannot be forwarded to another school if there is an outstanding balance in his/her account, or if there are other outstanding debts.
Student Records and Information
Requests for student records and transcripts must be directed in writing to the School Office. The School reserves the right to withhold student transcripts and records for non-payment of tuition or fees.
The School makes reasonable efforts to ensure that both natural parents (or legal guardians) receive substantially the same information (transcripts, records, appointments, etc.). The School must rely upon the correctness and completeness of parental information when the student is enrolled. In situations of divorced or separated parents, if one parent believes that the other parent is not entitled to receive certain information, the parent wishing to restrict information provided by the School must provide the School with a court order that is still in effect that specifically restricts the other parent from receiving such information.
School Closings
In the event of any emergency that might result in closing the School or canceling classes, official news will be broadcast immediately utilizing the global emergency phone system. In addition, depending on power supply and access, global emails will be sent to all parents, information will be posted to the Bolles website and on the voice mail on the main school line (904-733-9292), as well as through local media outlets. Decisions regarding School closure because of inclement weather will be made by 6 a.m. when possible.
The success of an independent elementary school program depends a great deal on parent volunteer help. Opportunities throughout the year will arise for parents to volunteer. Some of these opportunities include lunch program for Grades K-5, library volunteers, class parties, field trips, family picnics, and other activities. Classroom teachers will contact parents as there is a need for volunteers in the classroom.
Whitehurst Campus
Lower School Whitehurst Campus
The Bolles Way
Honor Code
Non-Discriminatory Statement
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS: The Bolles School admits students of any race, color, gender and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally available to students at the School. It does not discriminate in administering educational policies or other school programs. This School is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant students.
- Attendance Policies
- Books and Materials
- Class Placement
- Communication
- Daily Arrival and Dismissal
- Grades and Report Cards
- Tutoring
- Homework
- Parent Conferences
- Student Illness
- Student Health Information
- Standardized Testing
Attendance Policies
Students are expected to be at school every day and to report to their classes on time. Frequent absences and tardiness affect academic progress and can be disruptive to the teaching environment. The school requests that parents and students thoughtfully consider the effects of any absence other than one for a medical condition/illness or family emergency. Families are discouraged from taking students out of school prior to a school break. Absences for vacations are strongly discouraged and will be considered unexcused. Whenever possible, regularly scheduled medical appointments should be made after school hours. After 10 tardies and/or absences, a notification will be sent from the lower school campus head. Students with excessive absences, excused or unexcused, may be denied re-enrollment or promotion.
When your child is unable to come to school or will arrive late, please call the Lower school Office by 8:30 a.m. at (904) 256-5255. The campus nurse will call families who have not reported a reason for an extended absence.
Books and Materials
Class Placement
One of the most important features of The Bolles School is a balanced classroom. There are many factors taken into consideration in the class placement process. Parents are asked not to request individual teachers. Such requests will not be taken into consideration when determining classroom placement. Class placement postcards will be mailed prior to the start of each school year.
We consider parents our partners in education. An important part of this partnership is communication. Families will receive weekly “global” emails that provide important news and reminders for the campus. Teachers will provide consistent communication with weekly newsletters, emails, and weekly take-home folders. If you find that you are not receiving the global emails, please contact Dawn Pickren in the Registrar’s Office. Families can also access a wealth of information on the Bolles’ website and/or Bolles App. Staying connected and up-to-date on happenings and upcoming events is important and necessary.
Please note that neither parents nor outside interests are permitted to distribute or display any publication, announcement, advertisement, or other written or printed matter on any Bolles campus. This policy is intended to protect our families from receiving unwanted and/or unauthorized materials
Daily Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival Times: Pre-K – Grade 5, 7:45 – 8 a.m.
Dismissal Times: Pre-K, 12 p.m. and Kindergarten – Grade 5, 2:45 p.m.
During morning arrival, parents should follow signs closely and adhere to the designated drop-off points for each grade level. Teachers will begin opening car doors in front of the grade level buildings at 7:45 a.m. Please do not unload until a teacher greets your child at the car. Please note that students should exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. Class begins at 8:00 for all students. Please plan to drop your child off on time each day. Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy and should check in to the lower school office before walking to class. Parents are asked not to drop off at grade level buildings after 8:00 a.m.
During afternoon dismissal, car riders will be escorted to the designated pick-up area for their grade. Classroom and Related Arts teachers will open car doors for students. Please note that students will load on the passenger side of the car.
Your cooperation and adherence to our arrival and dismissal procedures is expected and appreciated. To ensure your child’s safe and prompt departure from and arrival to school, please make note of the following:
1. Our roadways and buildings have been designed to accommodate arrival and dismissal at individual grade buildings. As a result, cars should not be parked in front of any buildings and left unattended during peak hours in the morning and afternoon. Visitors to the lower school should park in the designated parking area by the softball field.
2. All students arriving prior to 7:45 a.m. are required to go to Early Care, located in the Pre-K playground. Students are asked not to exit cars until a member of the arrival team is present on sidewalk.
3. Fire Department regulations require parents to remain with their cars at arrival and dismissal time. It is important to keep the traffic moving during this timel. After dropping off, cars are asked to merge into the exit lane on the right. Cell phone use is prohibited when driving on campus.
Grades and Report Cards
Grades reflect the academic progress and growth students. The academic year for Bolles Lower School is divided into three trimester grading periods. For report cards, achievement grades are given in grades 3-5 on the following scale: 90-100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D). In grades 1-5, progress marks are given based on expectation levels in various categories of the core academic classes and related arts classes. The levels of expectation scale is
- M = Meeting expectations
- P = Progressing towards expectations
- N = Does not meet expectations
Report cards in the first and third trimesters include a teacher comment section. The teacher comment is presented as a narrative that focuses on your child’s academic growth and progress, as well as his/her social-emotional development.
Tutoring outside normal classroom and extra help arrangements should be viewed as a temporary measure designed to address a specific situation, not as a long-term substitute for appropriate course placement or responsible student effort. If the services of a tutor are deemed necessary, professional considerations do not allow Bolles faculty to receive extra compensation to tutor students who are currently enrolled in their class. Non-Bolles tutors may not tutor Bolles students on campus without prior permission from the Campus Head. Any approved tutors must complete the appropriate pre-employment requirements through the Human Resources Office.
Of primary importance is close communication among parents, student, teachers, and tutors. Students benefit most from extra help if it is consistent with the expectations and standards of their regular courses. It is necessary that a Bolles teacher be notified student is being tutored outside of class.
The purpose of homework at the Lower School level is to practice learned concepts/skills from the school day and develop responsibility skills. If homework begins to take longer than the expected time in the evening, please communicate with your child’s teacher. Students should be encouraged to do their homework at a regular time and in a place free of distractions. Please assist your child as needed in organizing his/her time to complete assignments and to prepare for periodic tests, quizzes, and projects.
A daily study period is available for students in Grade 1 - 5 enrolled in the Extended Day Program. As staff has responsibility for a large number of students at extended day, it is suggested that parents review completed assignments with their children. Parents are asked to communicate closely with their child's classroom teacher anytime assigned homework appears excessive or particularly challenging for their child.
A review of papers with students is a daily exercise in the classroom and is perhaps more important than any letter grade. Positive reinforcement your child’s academic efforts is important. Students in Grades Pre-K - 5 will bring home “take-home” folders on Monday for parents to review.
Parent Conferences
Student Illness
Students who are ill or who are suspected of having a communicable disease must be removed from the classroom according to school policy. To prevent the spread of infection through direct contamination (coughing, sneezing, talking, sharing articles, etc.), students must be asymptomatic before returning to school. Students must have no fever, vomiting, etc. for 24 hours prior to their return to school, or have a physician's note stating that the student is not contagious and/or is under treatment.
A student who is ill should be checked out through the main office. Teachers will be informed of students dismissed for illness.
Student Health Information
Please complete all forms through Magnus Health that are requested. A link is provided in the Parent Portal. It is imperative for our records to be as complete as possible on each child. Please include all emergency numbers, as well as cell phone numbers, and remember to notify the Lower School Office immediately if any information changes during the school year.
Standardized Testing
Standardized testing of students is designed to assess individual strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate our curriculum and objectives. Students in Grades 3-5 are given the Comprehensive Testing Program 5. These tests are administered in early February.
In cases where the classroom teacher and School principal feel an outside referral for educational testing is necessary, parents are expected to make arrangements and pay for these services. The School will be more than willing to assist in finding and recommending qualified diagnosticians and will participate in follow-up conferences once the diagnosis is complete. Testing results shared with the school will not be included in a student’s cumulative file. These reports will remain confidential and in a separate location secured by the campus Learning Support Specialist.
- Bullying and Harassment
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Computer and Systems Usage Policy
- Digital Devices
- Discipline
- Lower School Prescribed Dress Code
- Skates, Skateboards, Hoverboards, Scooters, Etc.
- Visitors and Guests
Bullying and Harassment
Students are expected to show respect for their fellow members of our community belong. Students who choose to ignore this policy can expect significant consequences, including the possibility of suspension or expulsion from the School for particularly serious or repeated disregard of this important community value. Please remember the Lower School Motto “I promise to show respect for myself and others and to be responsible for my actions, my words, and my work."
Whether we attend Bolles as students, or are employed by the School, there are reasonable expectations governing our conduct designed to help ensure that all in our community are treated with the respect mentioned prominently in our Values Statement, so that each student here is allowed the same opportunity to achieve success without bullying, insult, threat, or harassment. These expectations apply to all forms of conduct and communications, whether physical, verbal, written, or electronic that are consistent with the values set forth above and which go to the very core of this School.
Expectations Regarding Mutual Respect and Appropriate Conduct: Bolles students and teachers are not allowed to tease, bother, or embarrass others because of differences in looks, color, beliefs, size, abilities, gender or home country. Teasing or embarrassing a student can keep that student from being able to learn and can cause much harm to the student by making him or her afraid of being at school or attending school activities.
Some teasing, with improper language or touching, may be embarrassing to the opposite sex. For example, boys teasing girls or girls teasing boys with improper language or touching is not appropriate. This is called sexual harassment and is not allowed. Adults are not allowed to do this either. Anyone seen acting improperly in these ways should be reported. Report this behavior to a parent, teacher, or someone working in the School office. The Bolles School will not tolerate behaviors that make a student feel uncomfortable or sad.
Child Abuse Reporting
School teachers and other personnel are mandatory reporters under the Florida child abuse reporting laws. Please understand that we must take our obligations seriously and if we assess that a situation requires it, we will make a report to child abuse authorities of situations that we reasonably suspect constitute abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Depending on the circumstances, we may not be able to communicate with parents about the report until authorized by child abuse authorities to do so. We ask for your understanding as we do our best to protect the children under our care.
Computer and Systems Usage Policy
The Bolles School computer network (including all School computer equipment and Internet access through school equipment, and personal network files of Bolles students, faculty, and staff) is provided for students to conduct research, to learn about computers, to facilitate learning, and to communicate with others. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right, and access entails responsibility on the part of all network users.
The Bolles School upholds an Honor Code and a Values Statement, which apply to all areas of school life, including the use of school and/or personal computers and devices. Both the Honor Code and the Values Statement are displayed prominently on campus and are explained in this book.
The Bolles School policies as regards to specific school computer and device usage are as follows:
1. Unauthorized access, alteration, and/or sharing of others' accounts, digital messages, and files is prohibited.
2. A school network account password is considered to be the personal property of the user and may not be used by another. It is also a violation to give your password to another student for any reason without authoritative supervision.
3. Attempting to subvert network security, to impair functionality of the network, or to bypass restrictions set by the administrators is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Altering the system settings, system files, or programs on a school computer or device in any way without the permission of the network administrator.
- Purposely uploading or downloading viruses
- Downloading or uploading programs that can be used as hacking tools
- Tampering with digital equipment or data infrastructure components.
Assisting others in violating these rules is also considered unacceptable behavior.
4. Unlawful use or distribution of information is prohibited. This includes copyright violations such as software piracy as well as plagiarism. The network is a valid academic resource and use thereof is governed by the same rules as library resources. This includes the Internet. All information obtained through the Internet and other computer research tools must be cited when used in a student's work. Information gained from a web site is the same as information found in print resources. Students should see their classroom teacher for help in the proper methods of citing copyright-protected resources.
5. Using the network for commercial purposes or promoting illegal activities is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Uploading, downloading, or sharing of illegal or pornographic material
- Uploading, downloading, or sharing of copyrighted materials such as music, movies, and books
- Duplicating copyrighted materials with the intention to sell
- Sending threatening or harassing digital messages
- Use of profanity and other similar activities.
6. Before downloading files or programs from the Internet to a school computer or device, students should check with the teacher or lab supervisor. Students understand the right to use any electronic or mobile devices (“Device") at The Bolles School is a privilege and that in using my Device(s) I am, at all times, required to strictly abide by School values, policies and conditions.
The Bolles School policies as regards to allowed or required usage of personal electronic or mobile devices will be based on the following:
1. Students understand that their Device(s) is/are intended for academic purposes and that teachers will determine the level of access to and usage of any Device(s) in their classes.
2. Students will use their Device(s) in accordance with The Bolles School Honor Code Value System.
3. Students understand that any unauthorized recording, the unauthorized taking of pictures or the unauthorized taking of videos will not be tolerated and that if found doing so students will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from The Bolles School.
4. Students further understand that the unauthorized distribution or posting of any audio recordings, pictures or videos will not be tolerated and that if found doing so students will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from The Bolles School.
5. Students are solely responsible for protecting and securing their Device(s) including, but not limited to, against theft, damage, loss and all the other unforeseeable misfortunes which could occur.
6. Students are responsible for maintaining their Device(s), including, but not limited to, maintaining device updates, virus protection and a charged battery throughout the academic day.
7. Students realize it is a privilege to use their Device(s) on campus and at School-sponsored events. School personnel may confiscate their Device(s) if there is a reason to believe that School policies or regulations have been violated. If a violation has occurred, depending on the gravity of the offense, the Device(s) will either be returned to the student or to his/her parent/guardian at the end of the day or at the end of the School-sponsored event.
The previously listed policies exist to promote positive, responsible, and ethical use of technology by students. If a situation arises that is not specifically covered in these policies, a student is expected to apply the Honor Code and the Values Statement. If in doubt, the student should seek the advice of a teacher or advisor.
Digital Devices
Cell phones and smart watches with texting/calling capabilities are not allowed to be worn during the school day. These are a distraction to learning and are not necessary for lower school students to have during school hours. If these are brought to school, students will be asked to keep these devices in backpacks until the end of the school day. If you ever need to get a message to your child during the school day, please call the lower school office.
Students are expected to interact with one another in a positive, respectful manner so as not to impede the process of learning. Self-control, appropriate language, and respect for peers and adults is expected and monitored closely.
Academic discipline is a realization on the child's part that classwork and homework are expected to be completed in a timely and neat manner. Incomplete assignments and failure to prepare properly, lead to the child being under considerable pressure. Parents are asked to encourage academic discipline, but not create unreasonable expectations for their child.
Discipline issues and concerns are handled by teachers with the full support of the lower school Campus Head.
Lower School Prescribed Dress Code
Lower school prescribed dress code must be purchased at Bolles' approved uniform provider, Lands' End (this is considered "regulation"). Spirit days at the lower school campuses take place every Friday. Students may wear Bolles t-shirts, jeans, non-athletic shorts, and socks of their choice.
Prescribed Dress — Lower School Boys
*TROUSERS: Regulation khaki or navy
*SHORTS: Regulation khaki or navy
*OXFORD SHIRTS: Regulation white or French blue with button down collar, long or short sleeves with Bolles logo
*POLO SHIRTS: Regulation polo shirts with Bolles logo in orange, cobalt, navy and white
TURTLENECKS: Solid cobalt, white or orange turtlenecks
SWEATERS: Solid color cardigan, V-neck, or crew neck sweaters or sweater vest of cobalt blue, white or grey
SWEATSHIRTS: Any Bolles sweatshirt
JACKETS AND COATS: Items of students' own choice: free of logos, words, advertising, etc.
SOCKS: Solid white, navy, black or gray socks
SHOES: As the children are involved in outside play daily, footwear should be a closed toe, supportive tie or buckle rubber soled shoe. Athletic shoes are preferred.
BELTS: Solid navy blue, brown, or khaki. Belts must be worn on all regulation items with belt loops.
Prescribed Dress — Lower School Girls
*SKIRTS/SKORTS: Regulation khaki, navy, cobalt blue or plaid (skirt length should be at or below fingertips)
*SLACKS: Regulation khaki or navy
*SHORTS: Regulation khaki, plaid or navy
*JUMPERS/KNIT DRESS: Regulation cobalt blue, orange or plaid with Bolles logo (skirt length should be at or below fingertips)
*OXFORD SHIRTS: Regulation white or French blue with button down collar, long or short sleeves with Bolles logo
*POLO SHIRTS and DRESS: Regulation polo shirts with Bolles logo in orange, cobalt and white, dresses can be khaki, orange, navy or cobalt blue
TURTLENECKS: Solid cobalt or white turtlenecks
SWEATERS: Solid color cardigan, V-neck or crew neck sweaters or sweater vests of cobalt blue, grey or white
SWEATSHIRTS: Any Bolles sweatshirt
JACKETS AND COATS: Items of students' own choice: free of logos, words, advertising, etc.
SOCKS: Solid white or navy socks.
SHOES: As the children are involved in outside play daily, footwear should be a closed toe, supportive tie or buckle rubber soled shoe. Athletic shoes are preferred.
BELTS: Solid navy blue, brown, or khaki. Belts must be worn on all regulation items with belt loops.
LEGGINGS/TIGHTS: Solid navy blue, gray or white
The following are inappropriate for all students
1. Dramatic haircuts and hair color
2. Denim (with the exception of spirit days)
3. Oversized shirts
4. Jackets and coats that advertise vacation spots, teams and/or products, cartoon characters
5. Sandals, flip-flips, or boots (Boots may be worn when it is 35° or lower for warmth)
6. Hats or baseball caps
7. Earrings for boys
Skates, Skateboards, Hoverboards, Scooters, Etc.
Skates, skateboards, scooters or other such devices are prohibited on any of the Bolles campuses. This policy is in effect regardless of the time and includes every day of the year, not just school days. Effective January 6, 2016 and until further notice, self-balancing scooters, more popularly known as hoverboards, will not be permitted on any campus or in any Bolles School building. This action is being taken because of recent concerns by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the potential impact these devices may have on campus safety. Hoverboards include self-balancing scooters, battery operated scooters and hands-free segways. A statement from the U.S. CPSC Chairman on the safety of hoverboards may be found here.
Visitors and Guests
All parents, visitors, and guests should stop at the Bolles Welcome Center/Security Gate during the school day. Our Access Control System keeps all doors locked during the school day. Please do not deliver supplies, lunches, or pick up students for appointments by going directly to the classroom. Parents should go to the lower school office to facilitate any items being taken to the classroom during the school day.
- Car and Bus Transportation
- Class Parties
- Costume Parade
- Extended Day Care
- Field Trips
- Guidance Counselors
- Immunizations, Illness and Medications
- Library
- Lost and Found
- Lunch and Snacks
- Student Well-being and Psychological Assessments
Car and Bus Transportation
Class Parties
Parents are asked to coordinate birthday treats with the classroom teacher. Please refrain from extravagant treats that contain high sugar levels. Distribution of party invitations or presents is not allowed. Students should not bring sleeping bags to school for after-school parties and functions that include only a portion of the class.
Class parties are coordinated by the class parents and classroom teachers. Volunteers and contributions to these parties will be requested when needed.
Costume Parade
Extended Day Care
The Bolles Extended Day Care Program is operated for the convenience of working parents of Bolles students. It provides an extended day that complements and coincides with the philosophy of the Lower School.
The Extended Day Program is closed on all days that school is closed.
Students in Grades 1-5 will have an opportunity to get a head start on their homework at Extended Day.
Pre-Kindergarten students enrolled in the program may bring a well-balanced lunch from home or purchase a lunch and milk, water, or juice. All students will be provided with an afternoon snack.
Students in Pre-K and Kindergarten will meet on the kindergarten playground. Students in Grades 1-5 will meet on the lower school playground. Early Care students meet on the Pre-K playground between 7:15 – 7:40.
CLICK HERE for options and rates and to register for extended day.
Field Trips
Field trips are designed to expand the curriculum for our students. Permission slips are sent home in the Monday take-home folders for parents to sign. Transportation for all trips is arranged by the Bolles Director of Transportation and utilizes either School or charter vehicles. Private cars are not to be used to transport students on field trips. Parents may be asked to help chaperone these trips. As an official School chaperone, parents are asked not to bring siblings, to remain with the group at all times, and to abide by the guidelines of the destination or the School.
Guidance Counselors
Students and parents should be aware that our School’s philosophy is that conversations with guidance counselors will not be treated as confidential. The guidance counselor will remind the student of the non-confidential nature of the communication and, in appropriate circumstances, will encourage the student to communicate with the student’s parents or other adults regarding the circumstances disclosed. The guidance counselor may also directly inform the parent and/or administration of sensitive communications to find ways to help the student and/or family. In addition, the guidance counselor may be required to report such communications to law enforcement or child abuse authorities when the nature of the communication reveals the immediate or imminent risk of harm to the student or others, or a violation of the child abuse laws.
Immunizations, Illness and Medications
Prior to the beginning of school, a physical examination must be completed or transferred for each student entering the School. Immunization or a certificate of waiver is required for all students. Immunizations must be kept current, and a Certificate of Immunization, signed by a physician, or an immunization waiver must be kept on file in the School office. You will receive emails from Magnus Health requesting these documents. Please reply through their portal to supply all forms requested. Students may not attend school without an appropriate immunization record.
If a student is not feeling well, he/she should inform the classroom teacher and the student will be sent to the Campus Nurse.
Many students must have medication available at school for certain illnesses and conditions. The Campus Nurse will not administer medication, includingpain relievers, without explicit written parental/guardian permission. A permission form completed by the parent/guardian is required in the event a student must receive medicine at school. The medicine, in its original container, labeled with the student’s name, name of medicine, dose and time to be given, doctor’s name (if prescribed) and possible side effects, must be given to the nurse together with the signed permission form. Students who are absent from school for the following reasons require a physician’s statement confirming the student’s ability to return to school and any necessary limitations or restriction:
1. Measles, mumps, chicken pox, ringworm, scarlet fever, strep infection, mononucleosis, hepatitis, pink eye.
2. Absence due to an extended illness or surgery.
3. Students who may not participate in sports or gym classes following an extended illness or surgery.
Parents and student agree, as a condition of continued enrollment, to consent to the release of any of the student’s health related information, including information relating to drug treatment, testing, medical and mental health records, to employees or agents of the school, as determined by the Head of School or his or her designee, to meet the medical or safety needs of the student and the community or the legal responsibilities of the school.
The school will maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security of all health-related information within its care or custody. While it is the obligation of the school to safeguard student medical information, we must also balance matters of privacy and confidentiality with safeguarding the interests and well-being of our students and our community. Thus, parents/guardians and students consent to allow employees and agents of the school, who have a need to know, to receive and/or share medical and/or psychological information necessary to serve the best interests of the student and/or community. In the event of a disclosure required by law, every effort will be made to notify the student and/or parents/guardians in advance.
We are especially proud of The Pauline J. Copeland Lower School Library. Resources for other school libraries are available for loan or classroom use. The facility is open daily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Specific rules and class schedules will be shared with the students by the librarian. Parents are asked to help students keep track of circulating books to avoid charges for loss or damages.
Lost and Found
Lunch and Snacks
Students in Grades PK-5 may bring a nutritious mid-morning snack from home each day.
All students have the option to bring a lunch from home or order lunch from our Dining Services provider, FLIK. Payment for lunches will be through Menus are posted online. Meal pricing can be found here.
Parents can download MySchoolDining and MySchoolBucks apps on smart phones, which provide easy opportunities for account deposits and menu information. Please take time with your student to review the lunch menu with your child so that he or she will be prepared to order in the morning. Lunches from fast-food or other restaurants should not be delivered to the office or brought to the dining hall by parents.
Pre-K Parents: If your Pre-K student stays for Extended Day, they may bring a lunch or also select options from FLIK dining services.
Student Well-being and Psychological Assessments
The mental and physical well-being and safety of our students is of paramount importance to the School. Therefore, there may be times when concerns might arise about personal, family, or emotional issues that may adversely impact the welfare or safety of a student or those around him or her.
Based upon the observations or recommendations of a member of the Bolles staff, the School may require that a student be evaluated by an independent mental health professional acceptable to the School. Circumstances may call for an evaluation and report before the student sent is permitted to return to school.
- Allergy Management Guidelines
- Class Parents
- Communications
- Community Service
- EPA Notification
- Inspection Policy
- Parent Association
- Parents and Independent Schools
- Parents and the Board of Trustees
- Parents and the Faculty and Administration
- Parent and School Partnership Agreement
- Payment of Tuition and Fees
- Student Records and Information
- School Closings
- Volunteers
Allergy Management Guidelines
The prevalence of severe allergies in the school setting is rising and can be life threatening. Using a multidisciplinary approach to care can minimize the risk of accidental exposure. This team collaboration between parents, physicians and key staff members will help to provide a safer educational environment for students with severe allergies.
Responsibilities of the Parent:
Parents of students with severe allergies are at the center of developing a successful plan that works for their child.
- Empower the student. Educate your child about:
- Their allergens and symptoms of anaphylaxis
- Importance of hand washing before and after eating
- Strategies to avoid allergens (i.e. not sharing food, moving away from people eating the allergen, putting down a barrier at the lunch table etc.)
- How and when to tell an adult that they are having an allergy related problem
- Annual Forms:
- Complete online emergency health information
- Meet with your physician to create an Allergy Action Plan. This needs to be submitted annually before the start of school.
Medications: (School Day, After School Activities, Athletics)
- Provide emergency medications prescribed by your child's health care provider BEFORE the first day of school. For Athletics, the trainers will need them prior to the first practice. Allergy Action Plan must accompany all emergency medications.
- If your child participates in any after school activities, an additional EpiPen will need to be provided.
- Check expiration of medication before bringing to school and keep up-to-date.
- Medication provided by parents will be carried on field trips and available during the school day. Stock EpiPens DO NOT travel on field trips.
- If the student self carries their EpiPen, the student/parent is responsible for making sure that the student has it for field trips, athletic and after school activities.
- Contact to be made before the start of school:
- School Nurse: Collaborate with the school nurse to help implement the emergency plan in the school.
- Athletic Trainers: Before first athletic practice.
- During the course of the school year, please communicate any changes in your child's health or medication to the school nurse.
Responsibilities of the Student:
The goal is for the student to be empowered to manage his/her severe allergy based on the developmental level of the student.
- Student will be responsible by:
- Not sharing food.
- Reading posted allergen labels and warning signs, if age appropriate.
- Not eating foods with unknown ingredients or known to contain an allergen.
- Being aware of the allergen exposure risks (cafeteria, buses, playground etc.)
- Washing hands before and after eating.
- Advocating for themselves. Notifying an adult as soon as exposure and/or symptoms occur.
- Notifying an adult of any unkindness related to the allergy.
Class Parents
Class parents are designated by the Bolles Parents’ Association. These parents will assist teachers in grade-level activities during the school year. Some of these activities include class parties, field trips, and assemblies. Parents are also called to assist The Bolles Parent Association with school functions. Every effort is made to provide each parent an opportunity to participate and feel part of the Bolles family.
The Bolles Office of Communications utilizes weekly global emails to communicate news, events and activities of the School. This allows the School to present information to constituents from a single source with consistent timing and frequency. Global emails are distributed on Tuesdays (unless a holiday changes the schedule, or there is an emergency notice), and include important information in regard to our students’ activities and news from the School. We make every effort to market all school events and student opportunities via email, including calls for PA event volunteers and After School Advantage program registration.
As such, School leaders must insist our constituents not use other means of distribution for messaging, including via Monday folders in the lower schools, fliers and other printed materials. When appropriate, additional marketing of an event or activity is done through mailings, the School website, social media, print ads, news releases and/or the School marquees. No outside company names are distributed.
If you are not receiving these emails, or have an address or email change, please email Dawn Pickren so we can update our records and ensure the correct email address is in our system. Or check the spam folder in your email files and ensure Bolles is noted as a preferred sender.
Community Service
EPA Notification
As required by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) dated October 30, 1987 (40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E), The Bolles School retained a consultant to perform inspections of our buildings for asbestos-containing building material. Section 763.93 (g)(4) of the AHERA regulations requires us to notify you annually of the availability of our asbestos management plan for your review. The inspection findings and an asbestos management plan are on file, and available for your review, in our operations office.
Section 763.92(b) of the AHERA regulations requires us to perform periodic surveillances of the asbestos material every six months. Asbestos inspectors perform these surveillances and an accredited management planner reviews the results of the surveillances every three years. No significant changes in the asbestos material were noted during the most recent surveillance of our school.
Asbestos presents a health hazard only when fibers become airborne and are inhaled. The mere presence of asbestos material does not present a health hazard. The Bolles School has significantly reduced asbestos material, and where it does exist it is fully encapsulated. The asbestos material meets all AHERA safety standards and we will continue to manage and or remove the material in place, as recommended by the accredited management planner.
Inspection Policy
To ensure a safe campus environment for all students, guests and personnel, The Bolles School has the authority to search and confiscate any item(s) that may pose a danger to others. If a personal search is necessary, it will be performed in a manner that is respectful of the norms of decency and the emotional maturity of the student. The student’s parent will be notified of the search as soon as reasonably possible.
The Head of School and authorized staff members may search a student’s pockets, purse, backpack, gym bag, or other personal property; student lockers, desks, or other School property or student automobiles. No student may possess any illegal substance, object, or contraband that constitutes a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of any person or persons on School property. Contraband includes any substance or materials prohibited by School policy or state or federal law, including but not limited to controlled substances, drugs, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, guns, knives, weapons, or incendiary devices. All items deemed to be illegal, illicit, disruptive, or a general nuisance to the educational process may be taken by staff. Storage, return, or the destruction of such items shall be at the discretion of the Head of School or the head’s designated agent. The cooperation of all students, parents, personnel and guests will ensure a safe environment for our children.
Parent Association
The Bolles School Parent Association offers parents the opportunity to become involved in the life of the School. Parent volunteers on our four campuses work together to coordinate school-wide events and projects, and also to plan and produce events on individual campuses.
Parent involvement is essential to the continued success and growth of the School, and parents are encouraged to actively participate in the Parent Association. For more information about the Parent Association and opportunities to volunteer, click on Parents in the website header, or call the Parent Association hotline at (904) 256-5045.
Parents and Independent Schools
To be successful, every independent school needs and expects the cooperation of its parents, who must understand and embrace the school’s mission, share its core values, and fully support its curriculum, faculty and staff. When joined by a common set of beliefs and purposes, the independent school and its parents form a powerful team with far-reaching positive effects on children and the entire school community.
Working together, parents and school professionals exert a strong influence on children to become better educated; they also help them to mature by modeling adult working relationships based upon civility, honesty, and respect.
Parents and the Board of Trustees
In most independent schools, decision-making authority at the highest level resides in a volunteer Board of Trustees whose membership often includes current parents. The Board focuses on three areas critical to the success of any independent school: it selects, evaluates, and supports the Head of School, to whom it delegates authority to manage the school; it develops broad institutional policies that guide the head in running the school; and it is accountable for the financial well-being of the school. In the conduct of its official business, the Board acts only as a whole; individual trustees, including the board chair, have no authority to act unless specifically authorized to do so by the Board acting as a whole.
Parents with concerns about the school or with decisions made by the administration or faculty are encouraged to inquire about and follow the School’s review process. Trustees often interact with others within the school community but do not get involved in the daily operation of the school. As a matter of good practice, parents should report concerns to the appropriate teacher or administrator.
Parents and the Faculty and Administration
Parents play an essential and positive role in the life of an independent school. Not only are parents advocates for their children, they also support the faculty and administration through extensive volunteer activities and events.
The relationship between parents and the faculty and administration is formally governed by the School’s written enrollment contract and handbook, in which its procedures are spelled out. When parents choose to enroll their child in an independent school, they agree to subscribe to its mission, follow its rules, and abide by its decisions. Trust and mutual respect are the most essential underpinnings of effective working relationships between parents and school employees.
Inherent in the Bolles Mission Statement is that all members of the community live by the Honor Code and Values Statement: students, faculty, staff, and parents.
Parents best support a school climate of trust and respect by communicating concerns openly and constructively to the teacher or administrator closest to the problem. Efforts by parents to lobby other parents have often proven to be counterproductive.
Parent and School Partnership Agreement
The Bolles School emphasizes high academic achievement, good study skills, and positive character development. We set high standards for each child with whom we work, and then give support to enable him/her to meet these expectations. We expect our students throughout their years here to achieve success in becoming self-motivated and in assuming responsibility for their actions.
Parents should be aware that tuition only covers 85% of the School’s operating cost, which means that the School needs to exercise tight fiscal responsibility including running a balanced budget, collecting tuition payments in a timely fashion, and asking for annual and capital donations as well as volunteer efforts.
In partnership, we mutually agree to:
1. Promote The Bolles School mission as an inclusive, diverse community of learners and educators.
2. Treat all members of The Bolles School with respect and civility.
3. Help support a home environment that encourages the development of positive learning attitudes and habits including, among other things, consistent, on-time drop off, regular sleeping routines, and disciplined access to electronic media.
4. Create a culture of mutual respect and high social and academic expectations.
5. Resolve conflicts and questions in the spirit of partnership and objectivity and assume that there are at least two sides to every disagreement.
6. Respect the School’s responsibilities to do what is best for the entire community and for the promulgation of itself as an educational institution.
7. Respect eh confidentiality of all aspects of the children's experience, including grades, assessments and the experiences of his or her peers.
8. Communicate effectively, efficiently, and truthfully with each other about all aspects of the child’s’ experience.
9. Nurture all children towards an evolving and developmentally appropriate independence.
Payment of Tuition and Fees
The School strives to provide the highest quality education while maintaining affordable fees. We depend on the timely payment of tuition and registration fees to cover our obligations. Enrolling your child requires a financial commitment much like any other major purchase. Please make school tuition a budget priority. Failure to make tuition/fee payments by the contractual dates may result in a child being removed from school or not being allowed to take examinations. Transcripts and student records cannot be forwarded to another school if there is an outstanding balance in his/her account, or if there are other outstanding debts.
Student Records and Information
Requests for student records and transcripts must be directed in writing to the School Office. The School reserves the right to withhold student transcripts and records for non-payment of tuition or fees.
The School makes reasonable efforts to ensure that both natural parents (or legal guardians) receive substantially the same information (transcripts, records, appointments, etc.). The School must rely upon the correctness and completeness of parental information when the student is enrolled. In situations of divorced or separated parents, if one parent believes that the other parent is not entitled to receive certain information, the parent wishing to restrict information provided by the School must provide the School with a court order that is still in effect that specifically restricts the other parent from receiving such information
School Closings
In the event of any emergency that might result in closing the School or canceling classes, official news will be broadcast immediately utilizing the global emergency phone system. In addition, depending on power supply and access, global emails will be sent to all parents, information will be posted to the Bolles website and on the voice mail on the main school line (904-733-9292), as well as through local media outlets. Decisions regarding School closure because of inclement weather will be made by 6 a.m. when possible.
The success of an independent elementary school program depends a great deal on parent volunteer help. Opportunities throughout the year will arise for parents to volunteer. Some of these opportunities include lunch program for Grades K-5, library volunteers, class parties, field trips, family picnics, and other various activities. Classroom teachers will contact parents as there is a need for volunteers in the classroom.