Counseling Services
The School maintains Counseling Services Offices to assist students and parents in addressing issues that fall outside the traditional categories of academic advising. The counselors are available to meet with students individually or in groups to discuss their personal concerns. Meetings usually occur during non-academic time, which includes zero hour, activities period, lunch and study hall.
The office can also assist students or parents in making referrals to other professionals or agencies upon request. Many programs, including guest speakers, workshop presenters, and guidance classes are offered through this office to meet the special needs of students.
The Office of Counseling Services for the Upper School is located in the Bent Center, 207 on the San Jose Campus. The office of Counseling Services for the Middle School is located in the Williams Building, ML210 on the Bartram Campus. Lower School Counselor Shelley Serafin serves both the Whitehurst and Ponte Vedra Beach Campuses.
Bolles Counselors' Corner
Each month, we share food for thought from the Bolles Counseling team. We hope you find these posts insightful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. - The Counseling Team
Search Counselors Corner by Topic
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- academics
- Conflict
- Counseling Services
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- Digital Device Use
- Discipline
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- elections
- Emotional Stress
- Empathy
- Friendships/Relationships
- Grades
- Gratitude
- Health and Wellness
- Healthy Child
- Healthy Conversations
- Healthy Relationships
- Homework
- Maintaining Healthy Child/Parent Relationship
- Mental Health
- Parent Education
- Parenting
- School
- Setting Goals
- Social Awareness
- Social Media
- stress
- Substance Abuse
- Support
Concern Line
In our continued efforts to keep the School community safe and secure, we have two confidential ways for people to express their concerns. You may text or call our Concern Line at 904-256-5311 to leave a voicemail — this phone number is not text friendly. You may also email the concern line, but we want to let you know that it will be confidential, but not anonymous as it does show the sender of the email. Please note that this is not a crisis line and if a student is in imminent danger, please contact an adult and call 911.
Safe Reporting Form
The Bolles School takes very seriously any report or incident of bullying, harassment, discrimination or retaliation. If you witness any type of harassment you may report the incident by completing the Safe Reporting Form. Reported allegations of harassment will be investigated promptly by the campus head or his/her designee.