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the bolles school

US Allergy Management Guidelines

Parents/guardians, family physicians and key staff members will work together to help provide a safe educational environment for students with severe allergies.

Parents/guardians of students with severe allergies are at the center of developing a successful plan that works for their child.

It is important for the student to know as much as possible about their allergy. They should be aware of:

  • Their allergens and the symptoms of anaphylaxis
  • The importance of hand washing before and after eating
  • Strategies to avoid allergens (i.e. not sharing food, moving away from people eating the allergen, putting down a barrier at the lunch table etc.)
  • How and when to tell an adult that they are having an allergy-related problem

A number of forms will help the School be prepared in the event of need:

  • The Magnus emergency health information
  • An Allergy Action Plan, created in cooperation with the child’s physician. This needs to be submitted annually before the start of school.
  • A complete list of medications and when they need to be administered while the student is on campus
  • A list of emergency medications prescribed by your child's health care provider BEFORE the first day of school. For Athletics, the trainers will need them prior to the first practice. The Allergy Action Plan mentioned above must accompany all emergency medications.

In addition:

  • If your child participates in any afterschool activities, an additional EpiPen will need to be provided.
  • Please be sure to check the expiration of medication before bringing to school and keep up to date.
  • Medication provided by parents/guardians will be carried on field trips and available during the school day. Stock EpiPens DO NOT travel on field trips.
  • If the student carries their own EpiPen, the student/parent/guardian is responsible for making sure that the student has it for field trips, athletic and after school activities.
  • Contact to be made before the start of school:
    • School Nurse: Collaborate with the school nurse, Ms. Kristi Ruzanka, to help implement the emergency plan. 
    • Athletic Trainers: Before first athletic practice.
  • During the course of the school year, please communicate any changes in your child's health or medication to the school nurse.

Student will be responsible for:

  • Not sharing food.
  • Reading posted allergen labels and warning signs.
  • Not eating foods with unknown ingredients or known to contain an allergen.
  • Being aware of the allergen exposure risks (cafeteria, buses, playground etc.)
  • Washing hands before and after eating.
  • Advocating for themselves and notifying an adult as soon as exposure and/or symptoms occur.