The Bolles Office of Communications and Marketing strives to promote and maintain the image, reputation, mission, and values of The Bolles School through a variety of internal and external channels covering all four campuses. The Communications team is responsible for media relations, print materials, publications, marketing, public relations, and the School's web site. The Office of Communications seeks to utilize the latest trends and tools to communicate with all of our constituents in the most effective manner.
The School's communication vehicles, primarily Bolles magazine and the School's web site are an important resource for Bolles students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends. Bolles magazine is produced twice a year and is mailed to over 12,000 constituents of the School. The publication shares in-depth information about the School's programs and events.
The Bolles School web site seeks to keep viewers informed of important and pertinent news, constantly changing activities and programs at the School, to market the School to prospective families, to offer Bolles and Bartram alumni an efficient way to stay in close and constant contact with each other and their alma mater, and to offer constituents a secure and immediate on-line method for communicating with and making contributions to the School. (Please note: As a precaution, Bolles students are not identified directly with their photo image on the Bolles web site.This policy is omitted if they have already had press coverage on a particular event.)
Information about interesting and newsworthy programs and activities in which students and faculty have been involved should be sent to Jan Olson. Notes or articles should be sent in a Microsoft Word file as an E-mail attachment. Information submitted will be considered for sharing with the media, inclusion in About Bolles magazine, and/or posting on the School web site as determined by the Communications staff. All articles or information given for stories should include photos and/or art whenever possible to add visual interest to the stories. Photographs or video files can be sent via E-mail, but placement on the School's all-access drive (M drive) or submitting on a storage device is best as larger file sizes are preferred. Please understand that submitted information may or may not be used.