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Students Celebrate International Education Week
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It’s International Education Week! And Bolles is going global with activities in support of the mission.

Held November 16-20, the joint initiative by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education highlights the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. The goal is to help prepare American students for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study and exchange experiences.

At Bolles, the Student Diversity Committee is leading the charge. The group is presenting posters highlighting movers and shakers from 30 countries around the world. Organizers are encouraging students to comment on the posters via their Schoology app to share who their world-shaping heroes are. On November 18, students are decorating the Bolles Upper School San Jose Campus with chalk drawings of countries’ flags. On November 19, the group will host a speaker panel via Zoom, where alumni, faculty and parents will speak about the benefits of living, working and studying internationally. The week of international education highlights culminates Friday with a world-themed Kahoot game for representatives of various student clubs. The winning club receives funds to donate to the charity of their choice.