Speech Team Members Earn Top Honors at Tournament
Members of the Bolles Speech Team continued to meet with success at a Florida Civics and Debate Initiative tournament held November 18 at River City Science Academy Mandarin, earning top honors in numerous events.
Ada Ertekin-Taner ’27 First Place in Varsity Oratorical Declamation
Cyrus Vaghefi ’26 First Place in Varsity Dramatic Performance
Mya Nargassans ’27 First Place in Novice Dramatic Performance
Esha Kasavaraju ’26 Second Place in Varsity Impromptu Speaking
Sohan Patel ’27 Second Place in Novice Impromptu Speaking
Aiden Pereira ’28 First Place in Middle School Impromptu Speaking
Harper Nussbaum ’29 Second Place in Middle School Impromptu Speaking
Enakshi Bansal ’28 Third Place in Middle School Impromptu Speaking
Adi Yadav ’28 First Place in Middle School Informative Speaking
Hudson Powell ’28
and Sawyer Powell ’28 First Place in Middle and Varsity Duo Interpretation of Literature
Ayva Downer ’30 First Place in Middle School Just Talk
Ishaan Bansal ’29 Second Place in Middle School Just Talk
Veda Galipalli ’28 First Place in Varsity Oral Interpretation of Literature
The Bolles Speech Team consists of more than 50 students and is coached by middle school history and speech communications teacher Bob Hutchings. #BulldogProud