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Bolles Students Participate in Metrotown

students participate in metrotown

A group of students from the Bolles Upper School San Jose Campus attended the weeklong Metrotown Institute, an outreach of local interfaith organization, OneJax. Metrotown is an experiential teen diversity education program that promotes interracial, interreligious and intercultural dialogue and community-building, according to OneJax. Held June 12-15 at Riverside Presbyterian Church, the program invited more than 60 local students to participate in group experiences and activities, discussion sessions and individual reflection.

Bolles teacher and sponsor Twyla Ashman said the weeklong camp helped advance "understanding and respect among all cultures, religions and races." Five students from the Bolles Student Diversity Committee attended included: Kenny Sogbesan '20 (32277), Angela Sun '19, Alex Cywes '19, Jacqueline Emas '19 and Julian Crosby '19.

Additionally, several individual Bolles students participated in the institute on their own initiative. Those students were: Isaiah Morris '18, Julian Morris '20, Taylor Richardson '22 and Raya Rukab '19.

"They all seemed to have really enjoyed the experience and learned from each other," Ashman said. The students' parents attended Metrotown's conclusion ceremony.