Bolles Chinese Language Students Support Wuhan Hospital With Fundraiser, Video
In an effort to show compassion and support to the people of Wuhan, China, Bolles Chinese language students and members of the upper school Chinese Club staged a food sale that raised $500 for the Wuhan University Hospital. The spring rolls and stir-fried rice fundraiser was embraced by the Bolles Upper School San Jose Campus, generating important funds for the hospital to purchase much needed medical supplies, masks and medical suits.
Their most poignant effort, however, was a video created under the direction of Russian boarding student, Danis Khizriev ’20. The video showcases Bolles Chinese language students sharing messages of encouragement to the Wuhan people, who have suffered greatly since the first cases of Coronavirus emerged there in early 2020. Their goal? To demonstrate solidarity with the thousands of patients in Wuhan. Students crafted compassionate messages and videoed themselves speaking these words in Chinese.
“It was a pleasant surprise to see the thoughtful and considerate reaction of Bolles Chinese students to this unfortunate situation,” said their Bolles Chinese language teacher, Chengmei Rothschild. “I’m more proud of the humanity and generosity of spirit our students possess.”
The video will be played at the Wuhan University Hospital, Rothschild said. Khirzriev invites everyone to join the students on their video marathon to support Wuhan by sharing the video with their well wishes with the hashtag #StayStrongWuhan.
A link to the video is here: