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the bolles school
Alexandre ’21 Recognized as African American Scholar
fapianey alexandre

The College Board, which develops and administers the SAT and PSAT standardized tests, named Fapianey Alexandre ’21 an 2020-21 African American Scholar.

The designation is part of the College Board National Recognition Program, which helps create pathways to college for students from underrepresented communities. The nonprofit educational association’s programs include: The African-American Recognition Program; the Hispanic Recognition Program; the Indigenous Recognition Program; and the Rural and Small Town Recognition Program.

Alexandre has achieved in many areas at Bolles, most notably as a Lincoln Douglas debater on the Bolles Speech and Debate team. She has earned many accolades in this area during the past two years, including an impressive two-day, 7-round Lincoln Douglas debate at the New York City Invitational last weekend. More than 1,900 competitors from 32 states participated in the event. She is the president of the American Sign Language Club at Bolles and studies Chinese. This week, she was named an AP Scholar with Honor for her results on the AP exams she took last year.

Eligibility and selection for the African American Scholar designation is based on performance and achievement on the PSAT, which students take during their junior, their cumulative GPA at the middle of their junior year and if they identify as African-American, Hispanic or Latinx, Indigenous or attend school in a rural area. Congratulations, Fapianey!