2022 Homecoming Court Announced at Convocation
Student Homecoming organizers announced the 2022 Bolles Homecoming Court during a special convocation October 4 in Davis Gym on the Upper School San Jose Campus.
The 2022 Homecoming Court, all nominated by the student body for their community service work and activities, includes senior students: Jeb Allen, Jeffrey Ashby, Georgia Avret, Madison Balaskiewicz, Emily Bradshaw, Jackson Brill, Jillian Candelino, Allie Drew, Katie Farr, Cameron Gratz, Land Johnson, Chris Lee, Annie Marrone, Andrew McGraw, Jessie Pearson, Carmen Roundtree, Aidan Ryan, Tucker Sharp, Tony Wang, Kiley Wenger, Graham Worley and Lydia Zaepfel.
Students will vote on who they wish to represent them as the 2022 Homecoming Sweethearts. That announcement will be made on Hodges Field during halftime of the Homecoming football game October 7.